We need a Yast in Fedora

Steve Searle steve at stevesearle.com
Sat Nov 25 22:27:07 UTC 2006

Around 07:42pm on Saturday, November 25, 2006 (UK time), Temlakos scrawled:

> everything. Some things I still haven't figured out--such as how to 
> build an NFS network while still keeping each machine under the 
> protection of iptables. I've tried every setting I can imagine, and I 
> still couldn't get NFS to work--so I wound up using Samba to share files 

I have some (hopefully) straightforward instructions on how to do this
here: http://www.stevesearle.com/tech/faq.html#nfs0010

Any comments on anything that isn't clear or could be improved are



A:  Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q:  Why is top-posting a bad thing?

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