[OT] Protest the Novell-Microsoft Agreement - Sign Bruce Perens petition

Ric Moore wayward4now at gmail.com
Mon Nov 27 03:16:04 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-11-26 at 17:58 -0700, Craig White wrote:
> On Sun, 2006-11-26 at 17:53 -0500, Jacques B. wrote:
> > My motivation is simple, to contribute to this important issue in some
> > small way by reminding people that if they are going to sign the
> > petition, they should be able to articulate why they did so and be
> > ready to defend their actions.  To sign without being able to do that
> > will leave that person looking like a fool if ever called to task on
> > their position on the issue.  And furthermore it diminishes the value
> > of the protest when it becomes obvious that many people who signed are
> > really uninformed or ill informed.
> ----
> the only inescapable explanation for your motivation is that you think
> that a significant number of readers of this list are either:
> - to uninformed to have a reasonable opinion
> or
> - too willing display lemming like behavior and simply follow others
> Once again I will state, I anticipated that the readers of this list are
> capable of deciding on their own whether they wish to sign the petition
> or not.
> Either way, I think your proclaimed good intentions are rather insulting
> to the majority of this list.

Wow Craig! You really bit it off in this one! Playing Devil's Advocate,
you wrote "the only inescapable explanation for your motivation" is a
pretty finite assessment of another's intentions, which is patently
impossible, ergo not "inescapable". At that point it becomes "My Way or
the Highway", if we are not entitled to our own opinions and the right
to express them. I had to learn how, myself. When someone expresses an
opinion, that differs from my own, I can assertively respond with my own
opinions or ignore the issue. Calmly and composed. 

I wasn't insulted at all, I personally don't have much truck with Bruce
Perens, (on my ignore list along with Stallman) and the entire issue is
mute, as no one has done anything as of yet, IMHO. We've been though
round after round of this FUD since way back when, and we'll be stepping
through it again, is all. 

Do I care? Most certainly. I just fail to see how signing a petition,
which has zero value on a court of law, is going to actually accomplish
anything in the long run. Yet, is does become a list. I do not wish to
be on his list, for my own reasons.  

You, according to my perceptions, seem to have an investment in this
petition and that is your right. Yet, as I patiently teach inmates in my
project, "No one has to live up to your expectations." The best way,
IMHO, to disarm someone with opposing views is to thank them for
sharing. <grins> And, it's not about the effect it has on them as much
as it is about the effect it has on me. I am already predisposed to drop
it and let it go, unless someone gets -personally- insulting, which is a
boundary violation and requires "re-enforcement". You perceived personal

Myself, I saw that he raised a point that an ill-informed opinion is
like having no-opinion, if one does not care to research the facts for
themselves. It's a point, sure. It's universally true, but in this
instance most Linux users are wedded to this Ball and Chain Operating
System and are pretty much informed, as you have mentioned. Damn near
same side of the same coin, to my perspective. But, I start to perceive
you saw an insult? Maybe an agree to disagree would be in order? <huge
grins> and to think I'm making this sh*t my life's work... someone kill
me now. Just one little bullet.  Right here <taps center of forehead>
<cackles> Ric

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