gnome-session/-panel on the console and on a VNC session

Eli Barzilay eli at
Mon Nov 27 23:10:18 UTC 2006

Starting gnome-session in a VNC session is impossible if it's already
running on the console.

I can run gnome-panel on the VNC session, but that has lots of
problems -- for example, the desktop switcher refuses to appear in the
VNC session, and a panel that I have on the bottom-right corner of the
(1024x768) screen in the VNC session makes the same panel on the (much
bigger) console screen hop over to the same position which is now in
the middle of the screen.

Is there any sane solution for this?
          ((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (x) (x x)))          Eli Barzilay:
                         Maze is Life!

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