Proposed changes for fedora

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Wed Nov 29 00:54:18 UTC 2006

On Tue, Nov 28, 2006 at 06:22:51PM -0500, Tom Horsley wrote:
> Ah-HA! So the real reason for the idiotic partitioning into multiple
> distributions is size of distribution media! In that case, the

That appears to be a big concern, yes. However, I'm not sure the term
"partitioning" is correct in thhis case given the mechanism that will be
used. And given the hard work of all the people who are doing this for you
for free, maybe "idiotic" isn't the best choice of words either.

> What we should have instead of Workstation, Server, Media Edition,
> ad infinitum is CD, DVD, and The Universe. With a very clear statement
> up front that all distributions have identical content available with
> just different amounts of stuff on the ISO and the rest available
> from the internet.

A great thing about the new way is that you will be able to make *exactly
that*. And if it turns out you're right and this split is better than
Desktop/Server, it could very well become the most popular and then the
standard Fedora.

> You could take a survey and have people mail in their /var/log/rpmpkgs
> files and determine what to put on the media based on the popularity
> of packages installed and when the media runs out of space.

Or, more to the point, *you* could.

Matthew Miller           mattdm at          <>
Boston University Linux      ------>              <>

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