installing kernels

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Thu Nov 30 12:25:06 UTC 2006

On Thu, Nov 30, 2006 at 07:12:00AM -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> 1. During the boot, I saw a message go by indicating that TUX was not 
> supported by this kernel.  Frankly, I hadn't figured out what it as for 
> when it starts about 60 copies of itself at boot time that AFAIK, have 
> never done anything constructive for *me* that I know of.  Can someone 
> comment about this for my edification?  And if it does serve a usefull 
> purpose, how can I re-enable it in a make xconfig?

rpm -qi tux

It's a web server designed for winning benchmarks. Sounds like you don't
want it. Uninstall the tux package.

> 2. Trying to do this as a user rather than root because you all decry my 
> running everything as root.  To that end I have broken my 'makeit' script 
> in two, doing all the building as myself and leaving the installation to 
> a separate script that must be run as root.  This seems to work, but is 
> there a way to run as the common user and still have rights to install 
> the modules in /lib/modules/$kernelver, and to install the pieces and 
> links in /boot that are required to achieve a working boot?

I think splitting the job is the right way to do this. Or better, making an
RPM with the updated kernel and using that.

Matthew Miller           mattdm at          <>
Boston University Linux      ------>              <>

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