Overcoming the 2GB limit in writing a dvd iso to disk

Tony Nelson tonynelson at georgeanelson.com
Thu Nov 30 18:22:32 UTC 2006

At 8:59 PM -0500 11/29/06, Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
>Jeffrey D. Yuille wrote:
>> Hello,
>>     Does anyone know how to overcome the 2gb limit in writing a dvd iso
>> image to a dvd-r disk.  I am currently using Fedora Core 6 and I just
>> bought a dvd burner.  What I am finding out is that there is nothing
>> wrong with the k3b software I am using, but that there is a file size
>> limit of 2gb in trying to burn the software.  How do I overcome this?  I
>> have never run into a problem like this before  in buring iso images and
>> I would certainly appreciate any help available.
>I just went through this on FC5.  What I discovered was, you *can* burn
>an image of 4.7GB or 8GB in size, but none of the files in that image
>can exceed 2GB in size (this seems to be a mkisofs limitation).

It's as much a limitation of the ISO9660 format, where the maximum size of
a file fragment is 2 GB.  Some OSs handle fragmented files on ISOs, some do

>what I did was to break up the large files into smaller chunks.  (Its
>just as easy to cat them back together and pipe that output to a tar
>command.)  If you look at DVD movies, you'll see that each VOB file is
>around 1GB in size (max), so they don't have that problem anyways.
>I don't think there is another solution for for large files, yet.

There is, if compatibility is not an issue.

Actually, what I do is dump or tar directly to a DVD.  I set the "tape
size" in each program to the size of a DVD, as blocks in the appropriate
blocksize.  So I'm making DVDs with no filesystem.  I believe that this is
/more/ future-proof, as, in the future, rather than getting a working
then-old-style filesystem working and a then-old-style restore or tar
working, I only have to do the latter.  I write the DVDs with "growisofs
-dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvd=/tmp/dvd".
TonyN.:'    The Great Writ     <mailto:tonynelson at georgeanelson.com>
      '      is no more.             <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>

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