Rpm download

Todd Zullinger tmz at pobox.com
Thu Nov 30 22:20:24 UTC 2006

Gene Heskett wrote:
> Duh, and I'm going blind in my advanced years, sorry Todd.

Hell, I miss the plainly obvious often enough and my eyesight is
pretty good. ;-)

> True, OTOH, since Lacie is the sole src of such a utility, maybe we
> can be a little forgiving of the winderz weenies (poor, uneducated
> chaps though they may be)  & use our right click workaround?

Well, that's tougher in this case because they make you go through a
click-through popup that doesn't give you a link to right click on.

> It works nicely and I appreciate their going to the trouble to make
> it linux compatible, so I don't want to bite the hand that holds the
> offering. :)

Yes, I wouldn't say nasty things to them as thanks for making the
software freely (as in beer) available.  But perhaps someone that uses
it could ask their webmaster nicely to configure the web server to
return a more appropriate content-type?  There's that old saying about
catching more flies with honey than vinegar... (Though I prefer to
stay away from flies so it doesn't mean much to me. :)

(And IIS can do this per-directory.  It took google just a fraction of
a second to find this for me:


Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
I got nasty habits.  I take tea at 3.
    -- Rolling Stones, Live with Me

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