thoughts on LWN "how many Fedora users are there"

Anne Wilson cannewilson at
Fri Oct 13 10:15:24 UTC 2006

On Thursday 12 October 2006 22:26, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
There really is a lot of bs talked, isn't there?  I get Fedora for free.  I've 
always assumed that it was perfectly reasonable that Fedora should be able to 
know that I use their update systems.  So they want to actually count?  So 
what?  'Tracking system' implies watching where you go and what you are 
doing.  I don't see any reason to believe that that was the intention.

Just to clear up the issue of European privacy laws, they refer to *retention* 
of personal details.  It will be for lawyers to decide whether IPs are being 
retained long enough to cause a breach.

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