FC6 NFS won't mount as regular user, nor automatically in fstab

Ian Chapman packages at amiga-hardware.com
Sun Oct 29 22:16:05 UTC 2006

Whil Hentzen wrote:

>> That's fairly normal. One way around it is to use automounter, so that
>> when the mount point is accessed, the nfs share is automatically 
>> mounted, then unmounted after a period of inactivity. Regular users do 
>> not need an additional rights for it.
> I don't particularly like to do things 'to get around' issues; I'd 

Well actually it's not "a get around" as in a hack. It's a perfectly 
valid and commonly implemented mechanism :)

> rather understand what's going on and why things are happening. The 
> troubleshooting page on tldp's NFS how-to alluded to a permission 
> problem where server and client uids and gids aren't matched, but mine are.

I assume you mean "aren't". I don't think that is the issue. I can mount 
an NFS share from a solaris box here to the linux box as a regular user
and don't have a matching uid or gid on the solaris box. Although 
obviously to preserve ownership you should.

> I've done a look-see on some automount tutorials and howto's.... jeesh, 
> auto_direct, auto_master, blah blah blah. That seems to be a lot more 
> work to do something that oughta work just fine with fstab. :(

Here's an example that should work. You should adjust the options field 
to something more suitable when you're happy (see mount(8) and nfs(5) 
for various options) as this is just a base example to see if it works. 
Obviously replace the name of my server, exports and mount points with 
your equivalent.

nimo:/export	/mnt/NIMO	nfs	user	0 0	

This should allow you to mount "nimo:/export" as a regular user and be 
automatically mounted on boot up.

You might also want to check that "netfs" is running on bootup. 
chkconfig --list will tell you otherwise your nfs exports may not get 
automatically mounted on bootup.

Ian Chapman.

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