You are not authorised to read this bug?

Russell Strong russell at
Sat Oct 7 11:38:10 UTC 2006

Paul Howarth wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-10-07 at 20:41 +1000, Russell Strong wrote:
>> I'm not authorised to see this bug?
>> Why?
>> Is my system at risk?
>> Is this security through obscurity?
>> Since when did some fedora users become more equal than others?
> There's probably an embargo in force so that all major vendors can
> release security updates at the same time when the security issue is
> made public.
> Paul.
What ever it is.  It would be nice if bugzilla stated a reason for 
denying access.  So far the guesses are:

RHEL bug ( I wouldn't be happy, if I was a RHEL user and saw this )
Microsoft owned Bugzilla :) ( My favourite )
Security Embargo

But how do we really know?  How much do we trust Redhat?

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