You are not authorised to read this bug?

Rex Dieter rdieter at
Sat Oct 7 14:11:02 UTC 2006

Russell Strong wrote:

> What ever it is.  It would be nice if bugzilla stated a reason for
> denying access.  

patches welcome, of course.

>So far the guesses are:
> RHEL bug ( I wouldn't be happy, if I was a RHEL user and saw this )
> Microsoft owned Bugzilla :) ( My favourite )
> Security Embargo

Bugs marked security/private are only viewable by the submitter and
assignee.  Anyone submitting a bug can mark one as such.  There is no
conspiracy at work.

> But how do we really know?  How much do we trust Redhat?

Yeah, definitely.  They're out to get us.  Everyone, don your tinfoil
hats, quickly!

-- Rex

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