How does Firefox 2 get added?

Keith ac7xclnx at
Tue Oct 24 17:31:51 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-10-23 at 12:47 -0400, Arch Willingham wrote:
> According to the link below, Firefox 2 is (or will be) available (
> Will YUM pick that up eventually or do you have to add the package manually?
> Thanks!
> Arch

 You can download it and install it in your home directory I use
home/user/bin/firefox2 or in your /opt directory. If you want to
permanently switch to firefox 2 find the original /usr/bin/firefox
rename it to something else and create a symboilc link to the new
firefox script in your /opt directory. If you use yum exclude firefox
from updates. 

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