smart gone wild

Martin Marques martin at
Wed Apr 4 20:24:09 UTC 2007

Ric Moore escribió:
> On Wed, 2007-04-04 at 12:36 -0400, Claude Jones wrote:
>> Could it be that you have both fedora redhat and atrpm fedora 
>> mirror sites configured in channels? That would certainly cause 
>> you some grief.
> It would be SWELL if smart could shift gears and not be so single minded
> about the mirror to use. If one goes down, switch to one that is up,
> like yum does. smart is the best thing to come down the pike and beats
> the socks off of yum in many areas, but it does lack some hard learned
> lessons that yum has evolved to incorporate. If yum and smart evolved
> towards each other, that would be a match made in Heaven. Ric

This is IMHO one of the biggest disadvantages of yum (I'm talking about 
the mirroring). Because of it, every time you execute yum it goes out to 
the internet to get all the xml files of the meta data, while smart does 
it only when the user asks for the channels to be updated.

That's why smart is smart. ;-)

select 'mmarques' || '@' || '' AS email;
Martín Marqués          |   Programador, DBA
Centro de Telemática	|     Administrador
                Universidad Nacional
                     del Litoral

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