system-config-network as non-root

François Patte francois.patte at
Sat Apr 7 07:50:45 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1

Tim a écrit :
> On Fri, 2007-04-06 at 22:11 +0200, François Patte wrote:
>> I'd like to know if there is a way to allow non root user to use
>> "system-config-network". On a laptop it is quite boring to always
>> become root if you want to use lan interface, wifi interface or ppp
>> interface.... 
> Don't know about with wireless, but there are various GUIs for letting
> users bring some interfaces up and down, as well as command line tools.
> In Gnome, you can edit the main menus, and find "network device control"
> in the system tools section.  There's also a modem lights panel applet
> that lets you bring ppp up and down from the taskbar.

I think that I wasn't clear enough, all what has been suggested is to
use some applet or some command line to bring up an interface already
configured by root.

I don't want command line, because most of people do not know/want to
use it, and my problem is not solved in this way. Let's go to an example:

Being a laptop that I lend to John Doe for sometimes to go to a congress.

At the airport, J.D. want to use the wifi ESSID=Airport key=whatever

At the hotel, J.D. use the lan cable (no problem dhcp).

When back home (or at friend home), he has an ISP and can use the modem
with the phone number and password given by his ISP.

I don't want to give the root password to John Doe.

What can I do?

Are there some pam command to do this?


- --
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Université René Descartes
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