Fedora/RH policies sometimes suck

linuxmaillists at charter.net linuxmaillists at charter.net
Tue Apr 10 19:04:33 UTC 2007

On Monday 09 April 2007, Andy Green wrote:

> http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513-5375070.html

Quote from the article from the above link

 An artifact of current patent law in the United States is 
that companies and individuals are discouraged from seeing 
if their products infringe, Ravicher said.

"If you have knowledge and are found to infringe, a court 
can punish you," tripling financial penalties, Ravicher 
said. "If you say you didn't know and didn't see it, a 
court can't punish you. It's a screwed-up rule."

Linux founder and leader Linus Torvalds has taken that 
approach. "Finding patent infringement has always been a 
responsibility of the patent holders," he said in a 2003 
interview. "It is a fact that I do not encourage engineers 
to look up patent information." 

This is probably why no one is saying anything.

This time lack of Knowledge is power.

If the word following begins with 
a vowel, the word you want is...
to read the rest of this, go here 

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