Shell-script puzzle

Teo Fonrouge fedora-list at
Wed Apr 11 13:22:45 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 11 April 2007 07:03:45 Anne Wilson wrote:
> I want to use a script to automatically backup some files from one disk to
> a second disk on the same box, using rsync.  I already have fetchmail
> running as myself, and no problems with that, but the new script doesn't
> run unattended.  If I select 'run now' in kcron it asks me for my password.
>  When it attempts to run the unattended backup it reports
> Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic,password).
> How have I managed to screw this up?

Hello Anne,

Maybe is just the way you are using rsync. If you want to backup files on the 
same box ( AND files/directories access granted to a same user ) your syntax 
can be just like:

rsync /FromDirectory /ToDirectory

Otherwise, maybe you need to supply  user at host syntax like:

rsync /FromDirectory anne at host:/ToDirectory
rsync anne at host:/FromDirectory /ToDirectory
rsync anne at host:/FromDirectory anotheruser at anotherhost:/ToDirectory

In any such cases, you need to create a public key and store it in the host 
that you are trying to reach to get the script running unattended.

Hope this helps you

best regards

> Anne


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