Fullscreen in Mplayer

Marko Vojinovic vvmarko at panet.co.yu
Thu Apr 26 21:17:10 UTC 2007

On Thursday 26 April 2007 20:43, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> According to the 'man', one should be able to toggle the mplayer size
> with command-1,2,3,4 and achieve fullscreen with command-f. Assuming
> that 'command' is the Ctrl key, then Ctrl-F does in fact make the
> player window full screen, however the video stays the same size.
> Thus, I have a mostly-black screen. Ctlr-1,2,3,4 do nothing, however.
> Am I assuming incorrectly? Neither the Tux key nor the Alt key modify
> the window when pressed with F, thus I assume that the command key is
> Ctrl.

In mplayer man page I can find the following:

(The  following  keys are valid only when using the quartz video output 
                 option + 0
                      Resize movie window to half its original size.
                 option + 1
                      Resize movie window to its original size.
                 option + 2
                      Resize movie window to double its original size.
                 option + f
                      Toggle fullscreen (also see -fs).

Are you reffering to this? (Maybe you have different version of mplayer, mine 
is 1.0rc1-4.0.1 hand-compiled). If so, in order to have this working you 
should use the appropriate driver, if you have it (I guess the option is
"-vo quartz", never used it).

But regardless to that, by pressing f during playback or with option "-fs" it 
should go fullscreen. If it doesn't enlarge the image and just adds black 
bands around the image, then I guess the problem is video driver (at least it 
was on my machine).

To see supported video drivers, do

$ mplayer -vo help

Among several of them, "xv" should be there. It is the default video driver, 
and should work. To verify, do

$ mplayer -vo xv somefile.avi

If it complains, xv does not work. The issues for that can be various, it 
happened to me when I installed nvidia-legacy drivers from Livna. However, I 
do not recall ATM what I did to repair this. At the time, I was experimenting 
a lot trying to get beryl to work with my nvidia card, and in the process 
broke a lot of things, including mplayer.

Tomorrow when I get to the office I will maybe be able to remember, and post 

HTH, :-)

Marko Vojinovic
Institute of Physics
University of Belgrade
e-mail: vmarko at phy.bg.ac.yu

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