Fullscreen in Mplayer

vvmarko at panet.co.yu vvmarko at panet.co.yu
Fri Apr 27 16:21:00 UTC 2007

>> Tomorrow when I get to the office I will maybe be able to remember, and
>> post
>> it.
> That was your work machine! Bad, bad!

Given my two job descriptions, that is just what I am supposed to do with
my work machine. Ok, maybe a little abuse of it ;-). After all, there is
no boss to prevent me from doing it... :-)

Anyway, I got around to remembering what I did about the problem, but I
guess it will not be very helpful to you. Namely, I tried various types of
nvidia drivers (plain, legacy, 96xx) in order to find which would work
(too lazy to read the instructions), and in combination tried various
options in xorg.conf, and ended up hosing it. In the meantime, mplayer was
being configured && compiled && installed in the background (talk about
multitasking), and it seems that it did the configuring and autodetection
part while the video was in a very bad state, so did not compile in
support for xv driver.

I ended up having to use cvidix for any sensible playback, even after I
set up X properly. The answer was to recompile mplayer again now that X
was functioning correctly. That fixed all issues.

But the typical effect was *no fullscreen*, and it had to do with the
mplayer's video output driver not having the ability to provide it. The
"-zoom" option works, but it is a "software" zoom, which takes more
processor time that I lacked.

Anyway, if it works then ok, use it, but in my opinion "-zoom" is a
workaround, and the cause for the problem is not removed. Maybe. :-)

Best, :-)

Marko Vojinovic
Institute of Physics
University of Belgrade
e-mail: vmarko at phy.bg.ac.yu

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