Can no longer use my USB mouse with my laptop

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Sat Apr 28 19:39:12 UTC 2007

Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
> Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>> Sam Varshavchik wrote:
>>> Kevin J. Cummings writes:
>>>> I've recently booted 2.6.20-1.2944_1.fc6.cubbi_suspend2 and it didn't
>>>> work there either.  This laptop came with
>>>> 2.6.19-1.2895_1.fc6.cubbi_suspend2 installed initially.  As far as I can
>>> That's some vendor's frankenkernel.
> I'm hoping this is just a knee-jerk reaction!
If you are using a non-Fedora kernel, then it is almost impossible
to help you without knowing the changes that were made to the
kernel. Just adding a binary module makes it hard to troubleshoot.

>> Yep and this is a violation of Fedora trademarks if they are calling the
>> OEM installation Fedora. Please let me know with more details if that's
>> the case.
> What's the difference between the OEM packaging this kernel-suspend2 vs
> me installing it myself from a 3rd party repository.  Its built from the
> official FC6 source files (isn't it?).  And supposedly it provides
> suspend/hibernate support for my laptop that the official FC6 kernel
> does not.  In fact, similar packages exist at ATRPMS (even though mine
> don't come from there) a well used 3rd party repository.
What you do to your own system is your business. A vendor installing
a non-Fedora kernel and passing it off as a Fedora installation may
be trademark infringement. Unless the vendor is specific about going
to them for ALL kernel problems, it is also a dis-service to the
buyer. They are NOT getting a Fedora install, so it is false
advertising at best to say that they are.

As far as "similar packages exist at ATRPMS", you are also supposed
to take up problems with them there. One of the first steps in
troubleshooting should be to try the Fedora kernel, with only the
stock modules, and see if it gives you the same problems.

> What do other Fedora Core Users do to support suspend/hibernate in their
> laptops?
Suspend works "out of the box" on my laptop, so I do not do anything
special. On some hardware, you need to uload specific modules when
suspending, and reload then on resume, so the hardware gets
initialized correctly on resume.

>> We have enough issues with with the regular releases to not wanting to
>> deal with reports from OEM installations of Fedora that are heavily
>> modified to such a extend that they cannot really be called Fedora anymore.
> To tell you the truth, I have no idea how heavily modified this
> particular kernel is, but my vendor tells me its necessary to run this
> kernel in order to support the hardware on my laptop.  I'm not ready yet
> to try and re-invent what they do with their hardware (they've been
> doing it much longer than I have) and they have access to the hardware
> specs for the laptops they ship.
> Now, if you are telling me that the error message I'm seeing is not
> present in the official 2.6.20 kernels that Fedora ships in either its
> 2933 or 2944 kernels, then that's useful information to me that I can
> take back to my vendor.  But, if not, then please tell me about these
> error messages and why my mouse won't work with the FC6 2.6.20 kernels.
You are missing a BIG point - it is not if the error messages are
there, but what is generating the error. Because we do not know what
modifications were made to the kernel you are running, all we can
tell you is that people are not running into the same problem with
the stock kernel. So talk to the people that made the modifications,
or run a stock kernel and see if you have the same problem. How you
expect people to help you when you hide the details of your
hardware/software is beyond me...

Oh yes, about your mouse working with the FC6 2.6.20 kernels, have
you tried it with a FC6 2.6.20 kernel, or just your vendor's a
version of a 2.6.20-1.2944_1.fc6.cubbi_suspend2 kernel?


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