Why is Fedora a multimedia disaster? - Here is why.

Martin Marques martin at bugs.unl.edu.ar
Sun Apr 29 02:07:49 UTC 2007

Les Mikesell escribió:
> Do those include properly licensed codecs for the patented components?

Sorry Les, but then we are talking about two totally different issues.

One is the movie player (or sound player if you want), and another are 
patented compression (or of any other kind) algorithms that are used to 
finally output in a proper way the archive, be it real, mp3 or any other.

As you can see, xmms can play mp3, but if you have the input module, 
which in the US is illegal if you haven't payed the fee. :-)

select 'mmarques' || '@' || 'unl.edu.ar' AS email;
Martín Marqués          |   Programador, DBA
Centro de Telemática	|     Administrador
                Universidad Nacional
                     del Litoral

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