MAC Safari browser vs. Firefox on FC6

Les hlhowell at
Sun Apr 29 19:03:38 UTC 2007

On Sun, 2007-04-29 at 12:49 -0400, Jeff G wrote:
> I just purchased a D-Link 950G internet camera that works with Windows
> (Active X) and supposedly with a MAC/safari.
> I tried to use Firefox directly from FC6 and it doesn't work -- no
> idea what is going on.
> Any suggestions on what to try, as I thought Macs were running a linux
> OS these days.
> Thanks.
> Jeff
Hi, Jeff,
    I don't think anyone here understands your problem(s) from your
subject line or text.  

    It appears you have several issues.  
    1.  You have a new camera and don't know how to install it or get it
to work.
    2.  Firefox doesn't appear to work in FC6 for you.
        A.  Do you mean you cannot browse?
         B.  Do you mean you cannot see video?
        C.  Do you mean you cannot hear audio?
        D.  Do you mean that firefox won't open?
        or what is your question on firefox?
    3.  you said you thought Macs were running a linux OS these days.  I
believe it is either Linux or BSD related, but has some Apple specific
tweaks in it.  You can google this question and get more answers about
the history/entomology of OSX.

    OK, do you get any error messages?  What is not working?  What do
you want to do that is not right now?  AND is this for FC6, or are you
running OSX?  If FC6, then you are in the right place.  IF you are
running OSX, then you should try Apple's support pages, and google the
questions via OSX.

    I cannot personally help much, but if you create messages with the
appropriate subject lines for the questions you need answered, and it
concerns FC6, I am sure someone will answer you here.  IF you are in
OSX, then you will need  Apple support to proceed.

Les H

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