OT Action Computer games

Steve Searle steve at stevesearle.com
Sun Apr 22 01:21:44 UTC 2007

Around 01:58am on Sunday, April 22, 2007 (UK time), Norm scrawled:

> My sister is in the process of buying a new computer for her 15 year old 
> son.  She would prefer to follow my advice and use a Linux operating 
> system, the catch is there does not seem to be many games for Linux that 
> would hold a typical 15 year olds attention.  The option of an emulator 
> such as wine is out as the games I have tried to install under wine 
> require additional setup or work that neither my sister nor my nephew 
> wish to learn.  The option to do the work for her is out as she lives a 
> days drive away from me, and frankly driving a day to install some game 
> even if I do have opportunity to visit with my sister is just not worth 
> the effort very often.  Is there a source of  a selection of games 
> available for Linux?  The tetrex/ solitaire style games just don't have 
> the type of action a kid expects.  

I'll no doubt attract the odd flame, but to be honest in these
circumstances I think he would be better with a MS Windows PC.  The
games that his peers will be playing, and that he will probably want to
play are just not available for GNU/Linux.

You can always set the PC up as a duel boot PC, and encourage him to use
GNU/Linux for other activities.  I did that for my son's - the elder now
in his early 20s uses GNU/Linux for development, etc., and my 10 year
old likes to use it for web browsing and "messing about on", but both
revert to MS Windows for most games (as do I).



A:  Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q:  Why is top-posting a bad thing?

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