New Kernel still bad

Karl Larsen k5di at
Wed Aug 1 18:39:55 UTC 2007

Aaron Konstam wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-08-01 at 14:40 +0100, Andy Green wrote:
>> Somebody in the thread at some point said:
>>> I never had the issues that Karl states (plugging in the USB drive and,
>>> not have it auto-mount, not have it list the contense).
>>> I too use F7 on each device - at this point, one must wonder what it is
>>> that either Karl is doing wrong OR, what type/old is the hardware?
>>> It's just odd (to me at least) that nearly-everything Karl seems to do
>>> - fails.
>> That doesn't seem to be a fair summary.  In Bugzilla for example
>> Plenty of folks are having the same problem.  It's not Karl's fault that
>> there are problems in the kernel right now.
>> BTW on that last bugzilla, they recommend trying udev-113-8.fc7 to fix
>> the problem: I was able to get this with
>> yum --enablerepo=updates-testing update udev
>> -Andy
> Confusion reigns. Both the bugzillas above are about kernel-2.6.22-27
> and Karl is complaining about kernel-2.6.22-42.
> My memory stick automounts on the latter so there must be a presumption
> that the problem lies in the hardware used assuming no odd software
> installations of udev are involved. 
> It is hard to believe that sticking the memory stick into the port could
> be done incorrectly, but who knows.

	I am mad that some think I am so STUPID that for 6 months I have used 
my memory stick with the old kernel, and stuck it in wrong when I first 
used the new kernel. Jeeze you IDIOTS! Grow up.

	What I was going to do is explain what happened this morning. I got not 
the 44 but the 41 kernel when I tried to get the 44. I guess yum  could 
not find the 44 and did the best it could. So I rebooted to the 41 
kernel and sure enough it will not work with a USB device. But I tried a 
  memory stick that you plug into the proper slot and it worked perfect!

	So what I have is a cheap thing about the size of a floppy drive at the 
front panel which plugs into one of the two USB things on the mother 
board. It has 5 slots for various memeory sticks from camera and cell 
phone and other things. With this kernel (41) the 5 slots work but the 
one USB on this devise does not work.

	I am sure there is something not quite right with my computer. But for 
sure with the old kernel it DID WORK.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User

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