New Kernel still bad

Todd Zullinger tmz at
Thu Aug 2 17:24:11 UTC 2007

Timothy Murphy wrote:
> Todd Zullinger wrote:
>> It's probably worth noting that with the update to yum-3.2.2, the
>> installonlyn plugin's functionality was merged into yum's core.
>> The way to control things with 3.2.2 and later is via
>> installonly_limit in yum.conf.
> 1. Does this mean that the installonly plugin will not have any
> effect with yum>= 3.2.2 ?

Correct.  The plugin's functionality was merged into yum.  All that's
really changed is where you configure it.  Instead of editing
/etc/yum/pluginconf.d/installonlyn.conf, you now edit /etc/yum.conf
and set the installonly_limit variable (adding it if need be).

> 2. Does this feature only affect kernel RPMs?  If so, it isn't at
> all obvious from the name.

By default, yes.  The option (like the plugin before it) controls how
many of each "installonlypkgs" are installed at one time.  So it is
possible to add things other than kernel packages to installonlypkgs
(though many packages won't work when trying to install multiple
versions of them AFAIK).

The default list of installonlypkgs is:

kernel, kernel-bigmem, kernel-debug, kernel-devel, kernel-enterprise,
kernel-modules, kernel-smp, kernel-source, kernel-unsupported

(Once again, the man page isn't quite in sync with the code, and it
says the default lists is: kernel, kernel-bigmem, kernel-debug,
kernel-enterprise, kernel-smp, kernel-unsupported.  It's too early for
patches and bugzilla, but if I remember later, I'll see about sending
an update to the yum manpage to the yum folks.)

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL:
If you're not confused, you're not paying attention

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