Goodbye F7

Bill Davidsen davidsen at
Fri Aug 3 03:18:24 UTC 2007

Bob Staaf wrote:
> On Sat, 2007-07-28 at 07:51 -0700, Globe Trotter wrote:
>> --- Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at> wrote:
> snip....
>> One of the reasons I stick to FC/F. Even though F is increasingly going the
>> Windoze route: back to my peeve: why can't we have a low-resources desktop for
>> F for the high-resources-challenged? The usual approach of the semi-bloated
>> gnome and lets say xfce does not work, since gnome-crap gets started up anyway.
>> Trotter.
> This is something I see on the Fedora lists and Forums as well as with
> other distros.  People are expecting a single distro to be everything
> for everyone.  I am a firm believer in the saying "jack of all trades,
> master of none".  I would much rather see Fedora stick with one target
> group of users with one focus in mind rather than trying to please
> everyone with a zillion different spins.  
The problem with not having core and extras is that it's now harder to 
roll a small install.

There's a minimal install on the "base" part of the install menu, but 
it's at the end of what you see if you start at the top, as most people 
do at least once ;-)

Suggestion: Have a menu which just sets the defaults and allows a custom 
install to tune them. The obvious categories would be minimal, small 
server, large server, desktop, everything. All that would set is 
defaults, and the small systems would have no X, followed by xfce, etc. 
The small server would not include the admin tools, the large would, etc.

If someone would like to talk to me about this, I can put at least some 
time in, I've used UNIX since V7, so I have perspective if nothing else.;-)

> I can understand Fedora loyalty and wanting to stick with Fedora and
> make it do what you want to do but Linux is Linux and there are distros
> out there that will do what you are asking.  If you are dead set on
> Fedora than why not try and do your own re-spin?
I just don't think it's needed, if it were a little easier to get the 
initial tune I think the building of custom distribution could be a list 
of packages to install after the base.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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