RFE: how to file

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at infinity-ltd.com
Sun Aug 5 20:24:16 UTC 2007

Globe Trotter wrote:
> --- Rahul Sundaram <sundaram at fedoraproject.org> wrote:
>> How about leading the effort for such a spin? Talk to the XFCE 
>> maintainer and help write a kickstart file. The kickstart file can be 
>> used to create Live images and you get a XFCE based Fedora spin. Not too 
>> much effort.
> If this is going to be the attitude of Fedora/Redhat, then the devil save
> Redhat. Requesting an enhancement means having to actually lead the effort?
> What happened to community support? Besides, why do KDE/Gnome users get it "for
> free" in that case? Everyone should be forced to get their own spins, and F
> should just stand and watch (?)ubuntu walk away with everything. It is the
> largest distribution around anyway, given that it has the largest user
> downloads of all the rest of them combined.
> Rahul Sundaram is the very antithesis of opensource. In an earlier post,
> following the ESR saga, he suggested that people who file complaints should
> stop using Fedora. It is hoped that he would go work for MS. Maybe he already
> does so, and his task is to drive people away from Fedora?
> RFE is exactly what it says it should be: a request for enhancement. No one is
> demanding anything, just requesting an enhancement. If you can't accede to
> acknowledging a request, just stop collecting your fat paycheck from RH or stop
> calling yourself opensource and crawl back to MS.
> Trotter
Let me see if I understand this - You want a lightweight desktop
respin of Fedora. Rahul makes a (good) suggestion on how you can get
what you want faster, but it involves some effort on your part. Your
response is a personal attack Rahul, and condemning Fedora/Redhat
for daring to suggest that you put some effort into getting what you
want instead of handing it to you on a platter? Because that is hte
way you are coming across!


  Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!

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