USB and floppy not coming up right away

Croombe F. Pensom croombefp at
Mon Aug 6 22:04:42 UTC 2007

The same thing has happened to me in fc7. As I said in an earlier
posting, it's more than a nuisance than anything else. Except that I
can't see my Zip drive at the moment even though it was A-OK under FC6.
I am still struggling with this one because, even though Zips are
considered obsolete now, I still have lots of stuff stored on them and I
would like to get at those data soon. I've tried rebuilding fstab and
mtab but without much success. I am still working on this and, yes, it's
sure an irritation. But, as I said, I am not put off Linux because of
minor things such as that.
I really like the fact that my system is always there for me when I want
it and doesn't mysteriously die on me even when I'm not there (as was my
experience with W95 and W98).
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