Strange things going on

LostSon LostSon at
Wed Aug 8 03:26:06 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-08-07 at 18:09 -0600, Karl Larsen wrote:
> 	The early work is going on with Fedora 8 while we on Fedora 7 do not 
> have the stocking software for a Palm PDA working, all new yummed 
> kernels make it impossible to use automount of USB devices and yummed 
> cups will break your printing if your using a parallel port.
> 	So Fedora 8 is gearing up with Fedora 7 still broken. This seem's to me 
> as a really stupid way to run a railroad.
> -- 
> 	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
> 	Linux User
> 	#450462

 So it took you 8 hours to get your printer working again and many
threads later. Now you start another thread griping about Fedora 8. Many
people pointed you in the right direction and still you continue to
start more threads about the same problem. I appreciate your situation
we have all updated and have had things break and it is greatly

I am sorry you are having troubles but you filled my mailbox with pure
B.S. today thanks. If you do not like the way fedora is working for you
and updates break your stuff go run Debian stable. Nothing will ever
break and your printer will forever run off your parallel port. Why not
go get a stinkn usb cord for your printer ?

The great thing about linux is choice and you sir have many to choose
from so make a choice, help fix problems and be constructive or shut the
hell up and go to another distro. I am sick and tired of coming home
from work and seeing all this garbage. Maybe it is time to unsub from
this list. I apologize to anyone this email offends but this is enough
of this nonsense. Fedora 8 is only in test 1 and your griping on it now
as well. What a joke. And that is all goodnight..


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