yum install revisor on FC6

Chris Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Wed Aug 8 13:59:49 UTC 2007

> Point out where exactly the article is wrong or just drop the 
> unnecessary generalizations.

There is also a typo, for what it is worth.

In the pungi section

"The easiest way to get pungi is to run yum install pungi on your Fedora 
Core 6, Fedora 7 or Rawhide system, and the code will be installed from 
the Fedora repository."

In the Live CD tools section

"The easiest way to get pungi is to run yum install livecd-tools on your 
Fedora Core 6, Fedora 7 or Rawhide system, and the code will be 
installed from the Fedora repository."

Presumably that last quote should start something like

"The easiest way to get LiveCD Creator is ...."


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