Help please: Can't install F7 via NFS

Dean S. Messing deanm at
Tue Aug 14 19:05:45 UTC 2007

I'm trying to install F7 via NFS from
"F-7-x86_64-DVD.iso" on an FC5 server.

I'm booting the F7 machine off of a CD containing "boot.iso"
from the above F-7 .iso.

For the  "Installation Method" menu I choose "NFS directory."

On the Configure TCP/IP menu I disable IPv6 support
and choose DHCP for IPv4 support.  It sends a request
for IP info and returns w/o error.

It then asks for the server IP address and the diretory mount.
When I enter these and hit "OK" it returns with 

"That directory could not be mounted fromt the server."

What am I doing wrong? 

Here's some extra info:

On the FC-5 server:

I have the "F-7-x86_64-DVD.iso" mounted on /mnt/cdrom2

I have iptables turned off (I'm behind a corporate Firewall).

I have the following line:

    /mnt/cdrom2    *(ro,async,no_root_squash)

in /etc/exports and nfs services are running.

Finally, I can mount, unmount, and look inside /mnt/cdrom2
from an FC6 laptop on the network.

(A side question: when the boot.iso first boots and I
 get to the "Welcome to Fedora" menu with the four
 choices, my USB keyboard acts like it's dead: I can't
 change the choices or get it to boot w/o waiting for
 the 60 second timeout.  Luckily the choice it's on is
 the one I want :-) Any fixes?)


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