problem with virtual hosts yet

Tim ignored_mailbox at
Wed Aug 15 03:50:30 UTC 2007

On Tue, 2007-08-14 at 14:42 -0500, Scott wrote:
> Yes I resolved the port 80 problem.

I'm not sure that you have.

> The server is dmzed out to the Internet.  The server is listening on
> port 80 and 8081 and both are recorded in
> system-config-securitylevel. 

Neither <> nor <>
work from here, when trying to browse them.  The browser gets no

You might want to try probing your ports from outside, to see if there
is a connection.  e.g. Visit <> and follow
the "shield's" up link.  When I looked, the direct link to it was
<>, but that looks like a dynamic
thing that might change from time to time.

Their site is convoluted and makes you go through this and that to get
things done, and does try and scare you with over-stated warnings.
Ignore most of them, just concentrate on testing the ports you think are
open (80 and 8081).  There are other port probing sites, but this is the
only one I remember how to use off-hand.

This just tests your networking, not the webserver.  Testing ports
through them, you can get three responses:

Open:  The port is open and something responded to the connection.
Closed:  The port is closed, and your system explicitly rejected the
Stealth:  A bogus snakeoil filewall marketing term that meant your
system didn't respond to the connection, it ignored it.  A more honest
description would have said, "no response".

If Apache responded, I'd expect you to get an open response.  If a
firewall refuses connection, you might get a closed or stealth respond
(closed is actually the proper way to do that).

If there's a routing error, anywhere along the line, and the connection
simply doesn't get through, you'll get a stealth response.

Alternatively, you can have someone else port probe you using nmap
commands, for instance.  This must be done from outside your network,
it's no good doing this within your LAN.  I got a variable response
trying nmap against your ports 80 and 8081 on your domain name,
suggesting that something *might* be listening.  But my browser spends
forever waiting for a response (perhaps the ports are open, but the
webserver isn't listening to them).

[tim at bigblack ~]$ nmap -v -p T:80,8081

Starting Nmap 4.20 ( ) at 2007-08-15 13:03 CST
Machine MIGHT actually be listening on probe port 80
Initiating Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 13:03
Completed Parallel DNS resolution of 1 host. at 13:03, 0.00s elapsed
Initiating Connect() Scan at 13:03
Scanning ( [2 ports]
Discovered open port 80/tcp on
Completed Connect() Scan at 13:03, 13.00s elapsed (2 total ports)
Host ( appears to be up ... good.
Interesting ports on (
80/tcp   open     http
8081/tcp filtered blackice-icecap

The open state means the port is open and there was some sort of
response.  Again, this is a networking check.  Not a check of
webserving, just that a connection can be made.

The filtered state is somewhat similar.  A connection was possible, but
the response isn't so clear cut about how it was accepted.  Re-active
firewalls make such testing hard, if they think an attack is happening
rather than genuine traffic, they may respond differently.

The service is the sort of service expected to be used on that port, it
doesn't neccessarily mean that it found that type of service running.
Nmap is supposed to, also, be able to do that sort of testing, but I
didn't manage to get a different response.

[tim at bigblack ~]$ uname -ipr i686 i386

Using FC 4, 5, 6 & 7, plus CentOS 5.  Today, it's FC7.

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