FC7 kickstart:No CDROM devices found

Phil Meyer pmeyer at themeyerfarm.com
Thu Aug 16 17:05:41 UTC 2007

jiesun wrote:
> The thing is I had no problem installing FC6 on the same kontron box with usb cdrom.
> It seems the problem only happen on FC7.
> I tried three konton boxes with usb cdrom and I got the same problem when I install FC7. But I got no prolbem installing FC6 on these boxes.

Yes.  Anaconda only updates at major version releases.

So the anaconda in FC6 is the previous version to the anaconda that was 
released with F7, and it so happens that the usb_storage mechanism in 
the CDROM boot image did change between releases.

The bugs are getting fixed, but we cannot use the next version of 
anaconda until F8. :(

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