Yahoo picture attachements

Mikkel L. Ellertson mikkel at
Thu Aug 16 20:50:55 UTC 2007

Ed Landaveri wrote:
> Mikkel,
> I was using Firefox on my Fedora boxes. I didn't
> realized it 'till I have to check email on a
> (shame)winbox. Thanks for your reply
For web based mail, you may have to adjust the settings in Firefox.
Take a look at the setting under Preferences --> Content. Specificly
the options to load images. When you have it set to load images only
from the originating web site, you can run into trouble with some
online mail sites, because the stored image is actually on another
server. You can also run into problems if you have Java or
Javascript disabled. (I only enable them for specific sites
myself...) There are valid security reasons for the defaults, but
the defaults are not correct for all sites, so there are options to
tweak things for specific sites.


A:  Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q:  Why is top-posting a bad thing?

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