smbfs support broken in FC7?

Bill Davidsen davidsen at
Fri Aug 17 12:17:41 UTC 2007

Phil Meyer wrote:
> Bill Davidsen wrote:
>> Note: this question is not "what do I use instead of smbfs" it's "how 
>> do I get smbfs working?" FAQs read, searches done, not interested in 
>> CIFS since the server doesn't speak it. I need to get data off a 
>> machine which speaks only SMB, so I'm looking for ways to do that. I 
>> have two servers which write logs I need, and I'm tired of using an 
>> old FC1 box to do it. Surely core functionality like SMB hasn';t 
>> really been removed, has it?
> You were right the first time.  The smbfs drivers have been replaced by 
> the cifs drivers.  The cifs drivers will work just fine with older 
> systems.  Give it a shot.
As I noted in the O.P. I have tried substituting "cifs" for "smbfs" 
without getting the FC7 box to attempt to talk SMB to the old server. 
All I need to do is mount one share from the old server on the new Linux 
machine. The scripts have a line like this:
   mount -t smbfs //control1/log1 /mnt/logs_1-1
and the password is entered manually. So the obvious is to just replace 
"smbfs" with "cifs" which results in the FC7 machine trying to do CIFS 
to the old server, followed by the server being reported down, as noted 
in the O.P.

If you would like to suggest what command line you think will "give it a 
shot," please let me know. I also linked mount.cifs to mount.smbfs, as 
suggested by several notes various search engines dug up. That results 
in the original command line being accepted but not working.

> CIFS and SMB are (relatively) the same thing.  It is reasonable to think 
> of it this way:  "The smbfs driver has been renamed cifs."
The problem isn't the name, it's that it's using a different protocol 
AFFAIK, which the old server doesn't understand.

If it clarifies, the server is running Win95rt, a real time hack of 
Win95 used for industrial control. If I use something like RH8 or RH9, 
or FC1, I can mount without issues. FC7 just doesn't seem to know how to 
SMB any more, and the server doesn't speak CIFS.

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at>
   "We have more to fear from the bungling of the incompetent than from
the machinations of the wicked."  - from Slashdot

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