Alternative booting

Karl Larsen k5di at
Sat Aug 18 19:38:54 UTC 2007

Les Mikesell wrote:
> Karl Larsen wrote:
>>>>    There is nothing but Linux on this computer. That is not the 
>>>> problem. The problem is Grub on F7. It goes through the motions of 
>>>> setting itself up but fails!
>>> It doesn't fail - you just told it to install somewhere that your 
>>> bios isn't loading.  Normally what you want to do for alternate 
>>> booting is install grub in the boot sector of your first hard drive 
>>> with /boot as the 1st partition.  You can install alternate kernels 
>>> and initrd images there and set up a choice of which to load and 
>>> which partition to set up as root - or you can chain-load another 
>>> boot loader in a different partition.
>>    I'm sorry Les your still full of it. I just rebooted to FC6 and 
>> there I put the proper stage on my new hard drive and now it boots up 
>> for the first time without the old 30 GB hard drive. The Grub on F7 
>> is bad and I will work with it a bit and then write a bug report on 
>> what is wrong.
> If you'd post some actual error messages instead of yelling that the 
> sky is falling every time something goes wrong, someone else might 
> know what is happening.  Are you saying that the exact same install 
> (setup) of grub from an fc6 is now able to boot your fc7 from the same 
> disk location where the fc7 grub install failed or are you now booting 
> a new install of the kernel from a different location?  Did the first 
> attempt give you a grub> prompt or fail to boot anything at all?
    I'm sorry Les you can't even read it appears. As I said elsewhere 
earlier I tried to get it working on this F7 by doing this:

# grub> root (hd1,5)
# grub> setup (hd0)

After this I rebooted and could not get back to F7.

To get back I had to re-install the old hard drive which has the proper MBR.

     Then I tried from the f7 rescue DVD and had exactly the same failure.

    Then I rebooted to FC6 and in a root terminal did the above and it 
wrote the boot record to the new hard drive for the very first time!

So you see Grub on f7 is buggy


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User

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