missing piece of HDD while installed F7 for thinkpad T61

Todd Zullinger tmz at pobox.com
Wed Aug 22 03:21:07 UTC 2007

Globe Trotter wrote:
>> That's one (quite possible) explanation.  Another thing to check is
>> the output of fdisk.  It may show that there is another partition
>> setup for the recovery and reinstallation of the original OS.  To
>> use fdisk to list the partition table, you'd use "fdisk -l
>> /dev/sda" You'll need to either be root or be in the disk group.
>> You may also need to adjust the path if /dev/sda isn't where your
>> disk is at.
> Thanks! And this can be done after installation? Or even before?

You can view the partition table like this at any time.  If you find
that there's a partition there to restore from and you want to remove
it to gain the space back, your options are different.

If you use LVM, you can just reformat the partition and add it to one
of your volumes without skipping a beat.  If you don't use LVM, then
you're better off changing the partitions before you install, IMO.

You can do it afterward and then resize an existing partition to use
the extra space, but it's always easier to do things like that without
having to worry about missing a command and wiping out a few hours of
installation time. :)

Todd        OpenPGP -> KeyID: 0xBEAF0CE3 | URL: www.pobox.com/~tmz/pgp
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