Xen, QEMU/KVM or Vmware ?

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Wed Aug 22 20:11:08 UTC 2007

John Lagrue wrote:
> Being quite keen on the concept of virtualisation, I find myself in a
> bit of a quandary with F7.
> Being one who needs an uptodate kernel (my laptop power does funny
> things with older ones) I can't run Xen because the kernels are too
> old. Therefore I have QEMU/KVM or Vmware.
> Though the F7 documents talk lightly about QEMU being all part of the
> Virtual Machine Manager, it isn't really; the resulting systems are
> slow, refuse to boot off valid ISO images and have no configuration
> options for networking. They don't even use the system CDROM until you
> specifically add it after the virtual machine is built. So I use
> qemu-kvm on the command line; not that the Fedora documents mention
> that option - thank heaven for Google!

http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Docs/Fedora7VirtQuickStart is referenced 
from the docs site.

libvirt and associated tools like virsh and virt-manager provide a 
neutral interface to all underlying VM technologies they support 
including Qemu, KVM and Xen.


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