System -> Administration -> Soundcard detection no longer hear sound

stan goedigi89__e at
Thu Aug 23 22:27:08 UTC 2007

Darlene Wallach wrote:
> While I was installing Fedora 7, I heard sound during
> the sound test. After Fedora 7 was installed, I tried
> System -> Administration -> Soundcard detection and I
> heard sound.
> I installed Macromedia, mplayer, vlc. I tried to watch
> youtube and did not hear sound. I used the
> System -> Preferences -> Personal -> volume control
> I now do not hear sound when I select
> System -> Administration -> Soundcard detection.
> What could explain the soundcard not being detected?
> Should I reinstall Fedora 7?
> I sent an email out on Monday, 20th Aug to which noone
> has responded. Are people tired of helping people get
> sound working? Is the subject of no interest?
> If anyone can give advice or feedback, I would appreciate
> it. Can someone point me to documentation?
> Thank you for your attention and consideration,
> Darlene Wallach
See if your sound card has been detected.
aplay some.wav    this will use the default device
aplay -D plughw:0,0 some.wav  uses a different plugin than default

You can also look at aplay -lLv to see the info alsa has about your card 
and how it has configured it.
There is lots of information in /proc/asound as well.

By default alsa starts with sound muted, so use either the alsa mixer gui
or alsamixer in a terminal to adjust at least the master sound level.

If you have more than one soundcard, it is possible that they were 
assigned in a different order than you expect.  This requires explicit 
assignment it /etc/modprobe.conf.  Lately, I've noticed this occurring 
by default.

Some applications need to be configured to use the card.

And yes,  this question has been asked and answered many times on the 
list.  The answer has to be out there somewhere on the web, for sure on 
either the alsa-user list or this list at
I'm sure you find the subject of interest. :-)

I've had pretty good luck with sound, the basic functions have just 
worked.  If you are using an obscure chip, or a troublesome chip it can 
be problematic.  And because every sound card is different, only someone 
familiar with your card can really go beyond the basic stuff above.  For 
those, the alsa lists are probably the best bet.  They can also tell you 
if it is even supported.

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