Grub Works Fine

Karl Larsen k5di at
Sun Aug 26 14:49:21 UTC 2007

    I read and re-read the info grub and then came up in the F7 Rescue 
CD-Rom and did a bunch of changes to my grub setup and then tested to 
see if the change took :-)

    I am happy to report that there is nothing wrong with grub. It has 
all been operator error and grub does what it is told to. If you tell it 
the wrong thing it WILL do it or at least try :-D

    So my advice to myself is to read info grub before you try to use 
grub. It is not a simple software. It is VERY easy to get the address 
for root or setup wrong.

    So have fun and enjoy grub.


	Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI
	Linux User

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