Jacques B. jjrboucher at
Thu Aug 30 23:47:08 UTC 2007

>I think dd will
> work fine IFF the partition your sending data to is larger than the one
> it is coming from, and you do NOT put a file system in the destination
> partition.
>         Karl F. Larsen, AKA K5DI

So many threads started for the exact same issue....

Your first part is correct.  You can dd a smaller partition onto an
equal or larger one.

Your second part is incorrect.  It does not matter if there is a file
system or not (ANY file system) when copying from device/partition to
device/partition (i.e. if=/dev/???? and of=/dev/????).  dd OVERWRITES
EVERYTHING.  If the source had a file system, then the destination
will have that file system because ... dd copied EVERYTHING (even the
file system attributes).

Jacques B.

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