Raid 1

tony.chamberlain at tony.chamberlain at
Mon Dec 10 12:45:48 UTC 2007

We put Raid 1 (software) on an IBM server. I installed some software and made sure everything
worked. Then we realized we needed to set up grub so the machine would boot from either disk.
So under Linux Rescue we went into grub and did

 device (hd0) /dev/sda
 root (hd0,0) 
 setup (hd0)

 device (hd1) /dev/sdb
 root (hd1,0) 
 setup (hd1)

But then when we booted, everything failed. I noticed a commone
message "initlog not found" so I looked on another machine and
foiund it under /sbin but not on this one. So I copied it to /sbin and
rebooted. It got a lot farther this time, but then got stuck on not being
able to find a default theme.

I also noticed that linux rescue puts the linux under /mnt/sysimage
(so /etc is /mnt/sysimage/etc, /home is /mnt/sysimage/home, etc)
but in addition to those there was still a /etc, /home, etc. I suppose
one was the mirrored disk.

So it sounds like we might not have done something correctly. Anyone
have any idea? We did set up the whole raid system correctly during 
Linux installation on a different machine, and then used that anaconda-ks.cfg
file for this one (removing the "#"'s where the raid stuff was commented out
in the config file).


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