It Works fine

Robert P. J. Day rpjday at
Mon Dec 10 20:15:49 UTC 2007

Quoting Jeff Krebs <jkrebs at>:

> * Karl Larsen (k5di at wrote:
>>    After so many problems seen day after day it is nice I think to hear
>> about a success.
>> F8 was installed from a DVD and came right up with a video problem cuzz I
>> have a Nvidia video card. Fixed in 5 minutes with Nvidia binary. Then audio
>> problems and found pulse audio the problem. I was told to yum remove and I
>> did and audio is fine again.
>>    I have had all the updates and they appear to be real Updates! So today
>> December 10 2007 my F8 is working just fine. I have just one problem. I
> I will mark this down on my calendar, and ensure that it's engraved in
> stone to pass down to historians.  Such a feat was certainly unthinkable
> :)
>> seem to have a rootkit somewhere in the /home/karl/ directories. I have RTK
>> and this afternoon I plan to find the thing, or discover I have no rootkit
>> but rather another kind of problem.
>> Karl
> How do you know that you have a root kit?

and while we're here, karl, do you remember how, really recently, i  
suggested that it would be polite and courteous to everyone else on  
this list (not to mention more meaningful) if your subject lines were  
more informative than, say, "It Works fine"?

seriously, karl, do you remember me encouraging you to do something  
about that?  and yet, here we are.  so i have an absolutely  
dead-serious question -- why didn't you take that advice?  is is that  
you don't think there's any value to carefully-chosen subjects?  or do  
you agree that there is, but you just don't feel like putting in the  
effort because you have so little respect for all of the members of  
this list that you just don't care?

really, karl, those are your only two choices, and i'm curious about  
which one applies here.  can you answer this question without  
impugning my character, or my technical competence, or my nationality?  
  because, sincerely, i want to know.  i want to know why, despite  
numerous people on this list constantly giving you advice on how to be  
a better list member, you simply never take that advice.  and it's  
either because you don't understand it, or you do understand it but  
you just don't care.

so which is it, karl?  just call me curious.


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