3D Support for NVIDIA

Chris Jones jonesc at hep.phy.cam.ac.uk
Sun Dec 16 17:42:53 UTC 2007

> Because,my net is super slow now.It's take too long to retrieving the 
> software information.Sometimes,it hang also.Any help?

I'm afraid if your network connection is so slow that it takes a very 
long time to download the package info, its likely going to take *even* 
longer to download the rpm packages themselves...

How slow are we talking about here ? If the connection is as 'fast' as 
you expect, given your ISP etc., so is working 'OK', I would just leave 
it running and let it finish.

If on the other hand your connection is slower than it should be, I 
would try fixing that first before worrying about nvidia 3D graphics etc.


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