3D Support for NVIDIA

Angel angelsapocalypse at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 11:31:51 UTC 2007

For your kind information,I already got the link,thats really helpful.I 
think u miss some list.

Sudheer Satyanarayana wrote:
> Fedora or any other GNU/Linux distro cannot support your hardware out 
> of the box. You will need to install proprietary NVIDIA drivers to get 
> your video adapter working. If you want to know how, try searching for 
> the step by steps instructions on Google, for one. Here's a sample link
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=off&q=install+nvidia+driver+on+fedora+8&btnG=Search&meta= 
> If you prefer to expect Fedora to work on the fly buy hardware that 
> are free software friendly. You may also request your hardware vendor 
> to provide exact specifications so that people can write free software 
> drivers for it. Choose what you want.
>> Sam Varshavchik wrote:
>>> Yes, but…
>>> /me looks around
>>> Well, where are they? If this was so, he'd have his 3D up a long 
>>> time ago.
>>> There are certainly here people who are willing to help. But the 
>>> help he needs is the kind of help that's hard to get: the "help me 
>>> find the magic button to push, that makes everything work" kind of 
>>> help. Others already told him what he should do, but that wasn't 
>>> good enough. Too much work, see? He just wants to push a button, or 
>>> two, and get everything working.
>>> Now, there's nothing wrong with that. It's reasonable to expect 
>>> things to work out of the box, but the sad truth of reality is that 
>>> Linux is not there yet. You have to either do your homework and buy 
>>> hardware that's supported by free software, or be prepared to invest 
>>> time to get everything set up and working together, and be prepared 
>>> for the possibility that your hardware is not supported at all. But 
>>> if you don't pre-qualify your hardware, and it doesn't work, if you 
>>> expect someone just to tell you where The Magic Button™ is, that 
>>> makes everything working, well, you're in for a big disappointment.
>>> It wasn't so long ago that I was shopping for a webcam here. I asked 
>>> here, and got a few references to hardware that works out of the 
>>> box, with Linux. I didn't just waltz into Best Buy, bought the first 
>>> $10 webcam on the shelf, go home, plug it in, then threw a fit 
>>> because it didn't work right then and there.

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