f8 boots!

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Tue Dec 18 00:35:28 UTC 2007

On Monday 17 December 2007, John Summerfield wrote:
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>> On Monday 17 December 2007, John Summerfield wrote:
>>> Gene Heskett wrote:
>>>> On Monday 17 December 2007, John Summerfield wrote:
>>>>> Gene Heskett wrote:
>>>>>> Now, I have a large corpus of email I'd like to transfer over to the
>>>>>> f8 install, but apparently the lack of a bios extension prevents the
>>>>>> sata disk from being seen when booted to FC6.
>>>>>> It would be much simpler if I could have MAKEDEV or udev, make
>>>>>> a "/dev/VolGroup01" tree when fc6 is booted, however I can't see how
>>>>>> that would be done.
>>>>>> F8 does see the old drives, all are sdx as opposed to hdx drives, and
>>>>>> I can mount the fc6 boot partition while running f8.  But my attempts
>>>>>> to mount it all failed cuz there apparently can be only 1 VolGroup0X
>>>>>> at a time.
>>>>>> Can someone tell me how to mount the fc6 slash to a mountpoint of f8?
>>>>>> Or how to mount the f8 VolGroup01 onto fc6?
>>>>> man lvm
>>>> Doh!  I tried that, but since its lvm2 I used that and got nothing. 
>>>> But, that appears to be the tools page.  There is no mention of the word
>>>> mount, nor is there a mention of lvm in the mount manpage.  From there:
>>>>        -t vfstype
>>>>               The argument following the -t is used to indicate the file
>>>> system type.  The file  system  types  which
>>>>               are  currently  supported  include:  adfs, affs, autofs,
>>>> cifs, coda, coherent, cramfs, debugfs, devpts,
>>>>               efs, ext, ext2, ext3, hfs, hpfs, iso9660, jfs, minix,
>>>> msdos, ncpfs, nfs, nfs4, ntfs, proc, qnx4, ramfs,
>>>>               reiserfs,  romfs,  smbfs,  sysv,  tmpfs,  udf,  ufs,
>>>> umsdos, usbfs, vfat, xenix, xfs, xiafs.  Note that
>>>>               coherent, sysv and xenix are equivalent and that xenix and
>>>> coherent will be removed at  some  point  in
>>>>               the  future  âᅵᅵ  use sysv instead. Since kernel
>>>> version 2.1.21 the types ext and xiafs do not exist any-
>>>>               more. Earlier, usbfs was known as usbdevfs.
>>>> No mention of lvm, and an attempted mount using ext3 fails, wrong fs
>>>> message or??.
>>>> So where is this actually covered?  I'm reticent to attempt editing
>>>> fstab until I know it works as I had a heck of a time recovering from a
>>>> one character typu in that once before, it will not skip a bad line and
>>>> proceed with the rest of the configuration.  Any error there appears to
>>>> be fatal.
>>> down near the bottom there's a list of other commands; likely renaming a
>>> volume group would get you out of trouble,,,,
>> I had never named the amandatapes partition, but for this I did.  I don't
>> know if its barfing on that, or the /boot name for the 0,0 partition on
>> the first pata drive.
>> I can from here, rename either, but that isn't going to put a comment
>> marker in front of those two lines at the bottom of the f8 /etc/fstab.
>> What we have really needed for years is a marker we can put in fstab,
>> below the "gotta have it" stuff, that tells it to report in dmesg any
>> problems it has with the rest of our scribbles, but since it has by then a
>> working system, it should continue the boot so it can be fixed with the
>> normal tools.
>> This making everything read-only (in spite of a kernel argument to the
>> contrary at grub load time) so it cannot be fixed which absolutely defeats
>> the purpose of its dropping you to a root shell in the first place, so why
>> bother?
>> There is paranoia, and there is extreme paranoia, and there is BS, and
>> this is BS when that root shell cannot fix the error being reported.  So
>> it looks as if a one character error in fstab is going to make me
>> re-install f8 (or something else maybe) and recopy all that 30+GB again. 
>> As campers go, this one ain't too happy about that prospect since I
>> already have 2 days in this "Upgrade/Install".
>You remind me of my daughter, Rachel. When, at age 5, she started
>school, she expected that within a week she'd be able to read.
>Calm down, you can become a capable Linux user, but not today. It takes
>time and work.
>> So how the heck do I get that "/dev/mapper/VolGroup01" (the F8 / device)
>> stuff generated or made while I'm booted to fc6, which would allow me to
>> fix that from a fully functioning system?  This is the question I've asked
>> from several points around the bush and which no one has addressed so far.
>It complained about having two with the same name. I'd try renaming one.
>I've actually not had to fight with lvm yet, so I can't say what works,
>but I have tried to point you at the tools for the job.
They don't actually have the same name.  The /dev/hda1 is labeled as /boot if 
queried by tune2fs -l for fc6, or by querying /dev/sdb1 from f8.

/dev/sda1 on the new drive was labeled /boot1 by the installer and once 
booted, is mounted as boot.

The manpage for tune2fs doesn't say if there is supposed to be a '/' in front 
of the label, and booted to fc6 I get:

[root at coyote mnt]# tune2fs -l /dev/hda1
tune2fs 1.39 (29-May-2006)
Filesystem volume name:   /boot

[root at coyote mnt]# tune2fs -l /dev/sda1
tune2fs 1.39 (29-May-2006)
Filesystem volume name:   /boot1

[root at coyote mnt]# tune2fs -l /dev/hdd3
tune2fs 1.39 (29-May-2006)
Filesystem volume name:   amandatapes

Now the difference I see there is the missing slash cuz I didn't use one, so 
I'll relabel it with the slash and try rebooting.  If that fixes it, then 
maybe the requirement for the leading slash should be noted in the manpage?

>> Linux likes to claim it doesn't have a single point of failure.  But if a
>> typu
>It does?
>> in fstab doesn't qualify, I don't know what does.
>> Thanks John.
>Most of your problems arise from your ignorance. Ignorance is where we
>all start, and it's curable by acquiring an education, by learning from
>others and from one's own experience.
>A good way to learn from others is by reading appropriate books; I have
>dozens of books about matters relevant to Linux, to Windows, to
>computers in general, and other matters. Good books have an organised
>program of study (even if they don't claim to) and help you cover the
>set material without the gaps that relying on experience alone leaves.

There are about 2 tons of reference books on the shelve above me John, but 
many are as dated as I am even if they are 40 years newer than me.  I've 
found the manpages to generally be more helpfull, as is the right question 
asked on the right list.  Unforch, while english is my native and only 
tongue, it appears my question syntax often confuses.

>And reading a book can lead to a quick education, consumed at your own
>comfortable pace. Some books I have read literally overnight, some I
>pick the most important bits out of and never read the entire tome
>because it's not all relevant.

Very very true.  Add in the fact that over the years, I have been more 
hardware oriented than software, I didn't start coding for an 1802 till the 
later half of the 70's.  No assembler in those days, just look it up in the 
programmers manual from RCA, and enter the next hex value while running the 
hex monitor on a Quest Super Elf board.  Frankly, I prefer to be a little 
closer to the hardware than we get today with our 'modern' tools.

>A good introductory book on Fedora would answer most of the questions
>you've asked here, including how to mount the filesystem rw.

The local Borders is dropping the ball in terms of keeping those shelves up to 
date.  I don't believe there is anything there for FC7 or F8.

>There's a good reason to mount it ro by default, that is exactly what
>you want if you have to do a filesystem check. If there's disk
>corruption, and you start out writing willy nilly to the disk, _ouch_.

True, but if I go back into the grub stanza and change the ro to rw, I fully 
expected it to listen to my wishes.  It has a couple of times before in years 
back up the log, I fixed an FC2 problem that killed booting that way, but now 
it apparently ignores that option.

>I would also expect the book to cover lvm, the basics of virtual
>consoles and logging in on one, system logging, package management and
>building software yourself.

The latter I'm no stranger too, I've packaged my own Gutenprint because fedora 
won't (at least not for FC6), and I'm currently running kernel 2.6.24.-rc5, 
and I have to say its scheduler is a hell of a lot smoother than the one in whatever for F8.  The difference is obnoxiously clear regarding that 
aspect of multitasking.

>It's also worth reading the RHEL5 manuals, they're online at Red Hat and

I wasn't aware us peons running fedora could access those.  Thanks John.

Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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