3D Support for NVIDIA

Dean S. Messing deanm at sharplabs.com
Wed Dec 19 20:48:56 UTC 2007

Alan wrote:
: > Hi Alan. I've attended a few of those in years gone by.  Small world.
: They we have probably met.  I am the one who organizes them and get speakers.
: Want to talk at a PLUG Advanced Topics meeting?

Sure. I always enjoy getting laughed off the stage. :-) 

The content at the 2 or 3 talks I've been too (more than 5 years ago)
was quite "out of my league".  Now, if people wanted to hear a talk on
Signal/Image Processing Theory, or Biblical Theology, or Measure
Theory, or the writings of C.S. Lewis, I'd be game :-)

Besides, I haven't followed the PLUG list for some time.


: > The issue is "layers of protection I think".  I, too, doubt that
: > there's much real IP in the driver.
: It was just that "IP protection" was the stock excuse without ever
: stopping to thing about exactly what IP they were really talking about.

Yep. We ran into a similar thing here at the Labs a few years ago when
we were developing a fast booting laptop based on the Midori (linux)
kernel.  We wanted to make most of the laptop applications OSS but the
lawyers went into apoplectic fits at the thought.

: > I don't know what's become of him or if there's any connection btwn
: > nVidia and XFree86 or Xorg these days.
: The closed source people at nVIDIA have been pretty responsive.  

Yes. Except for actually opening up their code, nVidia has been simply
wonderful, in my experience.  Exception: their response to solving the
suspend/hibernate problems connected with their driver on certain
laptops under the linux kernel has been less than stellar.

: The x.org
: people have seemed a bit more pragmatic when it comes to dealing with
: vendors.  (Whether that is good or bad is left to philosophical debate.)



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