Mounting SD card with specific encoding

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Wed Dec 26 17:19:36 UTC 2007

On 26/12/2007, Tod Merley <todbot88 at> wrote:
> Hi Dothan Cohen!
> The question now is "where is cp-1255"?


I'm also missing 8859-8. I wonder if that's the problem.

> Should probably be:
> # mount -o codepage=cp1255,iocharset=iso8859-8,utf8 -t vfat /dev/sdb1

I used this:
# mount -o codepage=cp1255,iocharset=utf8 -t vfat /dev/sdb /media/usb/

> Since the files I have are named:
> /lib/modules/
>                                                                     ^^
> As well as the files close to iso8859-8 are named such in the mount
> command and we did not get any errors from that part of the command.

No, I'm still getting the filesystem error:
# mount -o codepage=cp1255,iocharset=utf8 -t vfat /dev/sdb /media/usb/
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb,
       missing codepage or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so

I'd try reformatting the card, but until I get the info off of it, I
cannot do that.

> BTW - Do you use Open  Do you use it in Hebrew?  If so,
> how do you like it?  If not, what do you use?

As of OOo 2.1, Hebrew support is excellent. Each new release brings
improvements. The current 2.3 is terrific, and I've switched at least
five or six MSO users to OOo. Note that MSO documents plague my
university, and without OOo supporting Hebrew, I would be unable to
use Linux at all.

>  I may well take Hebrew in the next few years.  If so perhaps we will
> chat someday in Hebrew.

אהיה כאן עם תזדקק לעזרה!
I'll be here if you need help!

You will find Hebrew to be a very easy language to learn, especially
if you already speak another language (any). Biblical Hebrew, mind
you, is a slightly different animal, but I can still help.

> Please let us know how this all works out!

Not getting very far at the moment, but we'll see. I'll keep the list updated.

Dotan Cohen

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