[Fedora] Seeing input on Securing the Linux system from intrusions and attacks.

Dean S. Messing deanm at sharplabs.com
Sat Dec 29 22:19:51 UTC 2007

Tom Horsley wrote:
: > How does one get into one's system from one's laptop if one is traveling
: > and forced to use the local hotel internet connection?
: If you can't know where you'll be connecting from, you probably can't
: use the IP address restrictions, 

That's what I thought.

: but at least you can allow only public key access which will make
: things more secure.

Completely agree.  The only time I allow an ssh password entry is on a
new machine to which I will connect from another machine, both of
which are behind a firewall, and only when I first bring the new
system up.  (It has no public key files at that point.)  The first
thing I do is copy keys onto and then turn off password

Besides, I don't think you can forward password credentials via
ssh-agent / ssh-add, only public key credentials.  ssh agent
forwarding is one of the nicest features of public key authentication.


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