Why cant I make my laptop ethernet cards recognise 10Mbs?

William Hooper whooperhsd at gmail.com
Wed Dec 12 20:32:34 UTC 2007

On Dec 12, 2007 3:07 PM, Karl Larsen <k5di at zianet.com> wrote:
>        First your talking about ethernet cards. They usually mate with a
> standard cable which in the USA we call it a category 5 cable available
> everywhere. It is white and has plastic large telephone connector on it,
> or you buy an expensive crimper and put the connectors on as you like.

Wow.  And I thought all of these red, blue, yellow, green, gray, etc.
cables I have were category 5 cable, too.  Please stop talking now,
Karl, you obviously didn't do the research that I suggested previously
so that we could talk about things using the proper terms.  The color
of the cable and what ends it has on it say absolutely nothing about
the electrical characteristics of the cable.

>      The problem seemed to be the cable was wrong and you got no
> Internet. But I gather on another laptop you DO get the Internet.

Again, you are the only one talking about the Internet.  Please stop.

> So
> there does seem to be a cable problem.

The OP has said that they tried both a cross over cable and a straight
cable without success, so there must be some other issue.
Unfortunately, it looks like it the solution is most likely one that
those of us on the list won't be able to help with.

William Hooper

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