Installing from the 3 DVD fedora 8 "Everything" re-spin

Beartooth Sciurivore beartooth at
Sat Dec 29 20:03:09 UTC 2007

On Sat, 29 Dec 2007 13:15:09 -0500, David Boles wrote:

> The 'everything' DVD is not a re-spin. Because? There never was an
> everything DVD release.
> None of the contents of the packages were changed. Only the updated
> packages replaced the original ones on the Fedora release. That should
> have been obvious from their page.

	 An ordinary re-spin, as I use the word -- and especially the 
thing -- enables a user to install what's current now, instead of what 
was in November, without having to do vast updating to get the current 
rpms. A custom re-spin appears generally to be so called.

	The everything DVD walks like a re-spin and quacks like a re-spin 
on my end -- and such 'abuse of language,' as the mathematicians call it, 
has been normal for as much of the history of tongues as is known or can 
be inferred from extant evidence.

	So if you want to call it an again-spin, go ahead. We'll see 
which way common usage goes.

Beartooth Paganus, Staffwright, Sciurivore,
Historian of Tongues from Way Back
What do they know of country, who only country know?

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